Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Missiouri Southern Stampede

We had another very successful meet this past weekend. We had three men, Smith (26:48), Griffin (26:51) and Baxter (27:14) and one women Delker (21:18) make it into our top 10 list. We had two more freshman PR for their high school distances (Smith went from 17:10 to 16:49 and Carpenter went from 19:39 to 18:40) while running the college distance of 8k and 5k. And to top it off 12 of the athletes ran faster than their projected times yet again, all in all a very impressive weekend for the Bulldogs. While all of these things are what we are striving towards, we need to remain focused in the weeks to come with some more high mileage weeks and early morning runs left in front of us. This is the most difficult time of the season with school work starting to pile up and miles being high to keep on track. I feel this team is up to the challenge. We are staying on top of our class work and they continue to work hard every day at practice. Each day I get more and more excited to see what this group is going to do in November.

1 Brittany Delker 21:18.0
2 Katie Logan 21:43.0
3 Kati Beam 23:23.0
4 Paula Carpenter 23:34.0
5 Krissa Fuentes 24:48.0
6 Katey Taylor 27:50.5

1 Kyle Smith 26:48.0
2 Shaun Griffin 26:51.0
3 Mike Baxter 27:18.9
4 David Parry 31:14.1
5 Matt Brown 32:12.1
6 Zach Dowling 33:47.5
7 Fred Miller 37:47.8
8 Ben Denton 43:58.0

Our next meet will be at Oklahoma State University for the Jamboree. This is the oldest cross country meet in the nation and will be another great test for us. We have handled running against the top programs in the nation very well and I expect we will continue that trend in Stillwater. If you want to see the nations best this would be a great meet to come and watch.

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